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Blog: Blog2

Last Trip For 2018


Langkawi Island is a phenomenon. I had phenomenon 3 days and 2 nights there. As we all know but some of you don’t know, Langkawi is significant with history and nature. The island itself is rich of environmental attraction. As a duty free state, there is not only Malaysian but also people around the world are attracted. For the history, Langkawi has it own legend history that really attractive.

Let’s start with my story about my phenomenon days at Langkawi. My lecturer, Sir Khalil informed us that we will be combining with other class. The subject I take for this trip is Online Journalism and we will be joining Photojournalism class as well. I was so thrilled and excited though I went to Langkawi, five years ago with my beloved family. The thrilling was due to as this is my last trip for my final year. The excited part was I will be having my friends along. We always planned to have a trip together but for uncertain reason we cancelled it, and now so this was a dream came true for us.

A month before the trip, we was informed by Hana as the head of director that handle the trip said the package that they choose was Rm250 each person. Without hesitate, we pay a week after that. Me, Shafiqah and Fitri were really thrilled until we marked days at the calendar for counting the days for the trip. I know it’s sound cheesy but for me that was the time I’m hangout with my friends that will end their final semester this year.

Sharil, Iqram, Acap and Ehsan, four of them are my best friend since entered Unisel. A little bit describing on them, first time I met them on orientation day at Shah Alam. We divided in different course at LT2 as I remembered. They known as their short long hair that touched their shoulder. Not only that, they have similarity and that is using spectacles.

At first, we gathered at our campus cafeteria. I was chosen to be head of protocol for my class. Hence, while waiting for the bus to reached, I took attendance of the participants and make sure all 27 people were around. At 10 pm, our bus arrived. Before we took off, one of head of protocol of Photojournalism class Aqil and I ensured everyone was inside the bus. We also divided groups of the next day activity. Then, we started our journey with a long ride to Terminal Ferry Langkawi. The journey took almost 10 hours.

While we in the bus, Abang Wahab was our bus driver that time entertain us with his voice. He request the student’s in the bus to sing. Without hesitate, I volunteer to sing my favourite song Bunga-Bunga Cinta by Misha Omar. Not only me, my friend also sing on that night. Abang Wahab also mentioned on singing competition that he will organise in the bus but it was on the day that we leaving. On the way to I didn’t sleep but instead, I catch up with my friends who somehow could not sleep either. Iqmal, Hafis, Bob, Hana were those who I catch up with. There were so many inside our conversation that it may take days to tell.

Finally, we could not handle for too long so we went to sleep at 4 in the morning. At last, we reached the terminal at half past six in morning. While waiting for our 7 am ferry to Langkawi, some of us went to Masjid Al-Hussein to perform Subuh prayer and washed our sleepy face. In addition, the mosque was opposite to the ferry. I was so attracted by the architecture and how they taking care of the mosque. Later on, the trip director, Hana rushed to take our ferry ticket as the clocks were ticking. Thanks to our trip director’s effort, we managed to get inside the ferry on time.

Within an hour journey, I watched a movie that the ferry has displayed. The movie was called Rampage. I watched it because there was my favourite actor, Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. While I watched the movie, all my friends continued and in their lullabies. That also includes our lecturer. After a long journey, we finally arrived at Langkawi. Our bus already waited for us and I was very starving. Luckily, we headed to our breakfast. We had early breakfast at E-Roti Canai, somewhere around Kuah. I had superb Roti Milo with sweet Milo Ais as a starter of my day. But my friend were laugh at me because of the combination that I chosed but still it’s my own choice.

After one hour of breakfast, our trip started with our first activity. We went to Sky Cab at Langkawi. Sky Cab has been awarded The Malaysia’s Book Of Record for Longest free span Mono-Cable Car. It is one of the attraction in Langkawi. Not only Sky Cab they also have everything inside that u can play and take pictures with. Moving on, after we had our ticket, we divided ourselves in group that been told last night. I am in the fifth group and that was myself, Sharil, Aqil , Iqram and Fitri. I was so lucky that I’m in group with my close friend.

Our task has been given by sir Khalil, an envelope with money given to every group. Our explorace start. The questions that been given are related with the place that we have to go. But first, Sir Khalil give us a nylon rope and ask us to tear it and make it the longest u can get. Everyone rushed and started to tear the rope. Our second task is to solve the puzzle and questions that been given in the envelope. Our first pitt stop was 3D Art Langkawi. When I first stepped in there, we were read again the questions given. The question ask that we need to take picture of ourself in that interactive art museum.

The art museum shows it features more than one hundred 3D interactive paintings, artistically painted by a group of talented international artists. My favourite painting is Monalisa. We were rushing that time I can’t get more time to explore in there. Our second task are went to Telaga 7. But we decided not to go there because it’s far and cause a lot of money too. We decided to record a video to explain about Telaga history and Unisel Awesome war cry out loud.

Then we went to on Sky Cab. It was a long queue. We have to wait for hour an half to go up. Minutes and hour past by, that was the time I control myself. I’m afraid of heights. When I stepped in the gondola I closed my eyes really tight. Fitri calmed me down and Sharil advice me not to close my eyes but enjoy myself or else I regret it. In the end I managed to open my eyes. I was shocked by the beauty of nature. The island, the colour of the water, the green of the trees. Five years ago, I don’t have opportunity to get in the sky cab and now I’m happy on what I achieve until this days.

On the same time, I totally forgot about my group assignment that time. Luckily I have my best friend that in the same group with me. With a camera in her hand, Fitri shoot a lot of videos and pictures. I was blessed with a friend that willing to help me while I’m dealing with my fear that time. We stopped at the second base and that is middle station. We have been asked to take selfie pictures on that top. Then we move to second task that is went to Sky Trail. We used the money that Sir Khalil given to us, Rm15 each person for using special elevator to go down stairs. At first we didn’t know that we can go down by stairs that only cost Rm5. And the most loss is, if we use stairs, we can enjoy more nature. We totally regret that time but it was to late.

We arrived at the middle station, it called as Sky Bridge. Sky Bridge was build on 2004 and the best part is, the bridge built on top of Machingcang Mountain. Read again the task, we have been ask to make a 2 minutes video with Bollywood theme. Sharil volunteer to record it in his phone. Me and Iqram decided to play role in the video. It was funny and we got supporters from the tourist that was there. Besides, the end of the video we added special scene where Sharil did B-Boy Dance in the middle of the bridge.

After the video task, we noticed that our group was lagging behind. Without wasting time, Sharil is the leader of the determination team to go down the stairs and accompany Iqram to continue his next task. Fitri and Aqil accompanied me when it was due to unhealthy conditions at the time.

After an hour, we finally got off the elevator and back in line to go down. Until then, we rushed to the waiting bus. Just enter in the bus, all applause and for the spirit. We blurred at first, apparently we were the last group to arrive. However, I was touched because my friends supported and did not scold us.

It’s almost 3 pm and we haven’t eat lunch. Tired and starving we stopped at Restoran Selera Kampung at Padang Masirat. After lunch, we continued our way to hotel to get shower and rest. Arrive in the hotel, there’s a bit problem on dividing rooms. As we have been informed. There is an irresponsible and self-centered party when they take the room for only 3 people. Without exacerbating the situation Shafiqah helped Hana to solve the problem, adding one more room. All agreed to increase room due to lack of room for other students.

Around 6.30, a conversation starts in there where one of our friends decided to rent a motorcycle, then a list of names were on the list. That left myself, Shafikah, Fitri and Sharil. Non of us have license on motorcycle and we didn’t want to took risk to rent it without license eventhough Shafaiz requested to help us. Around 8.30, Sharil texted us that he waited at the lobby. We decided to booked a grab and went to Chenang for dinner. Plan by plan, I remembered one specifically place that I went with my family. Without wasting time, we booked grab then go. It took half an hour went to Chenang.

At last, we arrived at the restaurant that I’ve recommended. The Artisan Pizza. My favourite pizza place! The place where I am craving since last five years!. we sat and the owner come and suggested which pizza is the best. My favourite always be Masala Pizza. I told the owner about what happen and how did it happen until im in love with that restaurant. The owner laugh and he truly thankful that there is someone really appreciate for his restaurant. I didnt get chance to took picture but this is taken from google.

One hour done with dinner, we went to Chenang beach. That time Sir Khalil paid two big jug of Shisha for us. I was amazed by sir because he willing to pay Rm70 just for us. That night we talked and share experience on what happen in Unisel with sir Khalil. Around 2.30 in the morning, we decided to leave and have nice sleep because the next day will be full with activities

The next day we went for island hopping. Our trip start around 9.00 in the morning.

First island that we went Pulau Beras Basah. I do not have the opportunity to swimming.r on the beach about things do not allow myself on that day. I was happy because that time I can see all my friends are eager to swimming including sir Khalil himself. Besides on that time, I became one of the photographer for that day to took pictures of my friends.

But there are incident happen on that day. Before we arrived at Pulau Beras Basah we didn’t get chance to have breakfast. Fitri and I decide to buy Nasi Lemak at one of the stall. Rm4 for one Nasi lemak. “ OMG! That’s was the first time I bought Nasi Lemak that’s expensive”. I told her it’s normal if it in island. After we bought, Shafikah also bought it after us. The incident happen right after Shafikah bought Nasi Lemak. Pulau Beras Basah known as island that fulls with monkey. Without she realise, a monkey snatch her Nasi Lemak! Shafikah scream and said “ Woi that’s my Nasi Lemak!” I calm her down and said its fine we can get another one. The incident cause the tourist laughed and even our friends also laughing.

Our second trip on island is Singa Besar Island. We stopped at the middle of the water, and that time we can see the island with eagles flying to get some food.

It didn’t long, it took 15 minutes we watched the eagles flying and eating. Then we moved to another island that called Dayang Bunting. Tasik Dayang Bunting famous with old legend story. The story of the marriage of a princess from the sky with a prince of the earth. Children born as a result of their marriage had died just after he was born. The princess was sad and dissapoinment on the incident and she decided to graced her deceased child into the lake. Princess charmed lake water as a remedy for couples who cannot have child and believed that unfurtilized women can return to fertility.

Around 12 we went back to Pekan Kuah and get rest. Around 4.30 pm we decided to go Chenang beach. Some of us want to buy souvenier for family. Chenang beach are the best that ive been. The scenery, the environment really takes place. We took group photo and some of them took a video for their assignment.

From here i believe that we are getting stronger every single day. Without them, i maybe lost and didnt believe in myself. And im proud to call them as my best friend.

The last day of our journey, I was sad because I knew I will don’t have chance to go to Langkawi again. We gathered at lobby around 9.00 am. The bus as usual really late and we have to wait for another one hour plus. The bus arrived then we went back to jetty. Before that, we went to Haji Ismail Group again when some of us said they didn’t bought enough chocolate for their family. Our ferry estimated arrive around 11.00 am. We rushed to jetty and managed to get into fery on time. Around 12 pm our ferry left to Kuala Perlis.

That time I knew, it’s the time that we have to left our memories there. “ Remember guys, what in Langkawi just stay in Langkawi”. That was the words that Shafikah mentioned. That was the amaing trip I ever been.



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