From nothing to everything, from loser to winner, from poor to rich and from failure to success. He is the best. He is the mess. He is the loser. He is the kinder. But, wait a the minute, He is my uncle!.
Stunned sweat ran down his cheek. Work hard. Work smart. Everything in his sweat. Everything in his capable hand. But, the story is begin when hardship challenges his patience. Being a child is not easy. Being a husband is not easy and also being a father is not easy. Since the time of his childhood he has dared to walk on his own feet where his contemporaries are still hoping on their parents' feet.
Mohd Harif Bin Daliman. He is tall, dark and handsome, about 178 cm height, slightly bald, skinned and mature. His name obtained in accordance with his character who is firm, courageous, and confident in every move of life that is faced full of thorns.
The firm and caring is the proper title given to him who wisely divides his work and his beloved family. The attitude is not only practiced at home, but also applied where he is seeking livelihood. The unpretentious character played in the family, filled the room with laughter.
The achievements that have been drawn since the school age wherein, the results he obtained were "rank one" in SPM. In his middle ages, he was awarded "the achievement in the best and qualified tower crane operator" at his time.
Being a manager to a private company, in the field of the tower crane was the highest achievement he gained, from the toughest he had spent as long as he served on clouds constructing skyscrapers.
His former life was not as beautiful as his current achievement. Everything was difficult, everything was sucks!.
Once, he feel to give up on everything and leave, but then he think,
“How could I leave my lovely life because of my failure?”.
In the past, everything started when he was a teenager, intending to find his own pocket money and trying out the hardships of life. Start trying to work at a paper mill. However, young people, easily deceived, he was affected by the negative factors brought from the factory.
He started trying out new things, incited by a devil friend, trying and continuing to try things that spoiled themselves. But he was lucky, his father, who was my grandfather, acted fast before the situation became worse when he managed to track his child's physical and mental changes and tried to pull his son's pure life to change.
With a new soul, a new life and a new job has revived the spirit of my uncle. After the incident at the paper mill factory, he decided to come to Kuala Lumpur to find a new job. My grandfather ordered my uncle to work with his eldest son, brother to my uncle.The start of everything goes well, it is our custom, working with the blood of our own flesh is necessarily needed to be protected by their dignity and their status, all must be perfect, all must be made early.
Remember the heat until the evening, apparently rain in the middle of the day and it is customary for our people to be greedy and cruel only for money.He was tricked once again. The salary is small, no SOCSO and EPF deductions but the money is deducted by his brother's company. 10 years of work, but no privileges have been obtained. Just a sweet promise, just an empty promise.
When I asked why you're still there? and why still obey? He smiled awkwardly,
"I work with my own brother, my own blood, I hope he is good enough to care for me, but it seems that the money is more important, more important and important than myself, his own younger brother. Looking forward to someone we believe does not necessarily guarantee our expectations will be achieved". Answer him slowly.
True the saying goes, in the power of a man there is always a woman who is steadfastly supporting behind him. He has a wife whom he loves named, Hasiah Binti Haron. They have 2 pairs of prince and 4 pairs of twin princess. First prince is Mohamad Afif, second is Mohamad Hasuanni, third beautiful twin is Hasya Kamalia and Hasya Karmila, and the last gorgeous twin is Hasya Athira and Hasya Amira.

The couple are very lucky to have children who understand them. From childhood, their eldest son, Afif, was well-versed in his own feet. All daily diagrams of his own diurves without relying on his parents. Not eating for a few days is also no problem for him. He understands. He lives hard. He strives hard. Not only that, they have also been charged with a "fast" phase where they have no money in hand to buy food for them and their children.
Whatever they go through, they never ask us for their money or anything else."Our distress should not an outsider know". The sacrifice of a child in the course of life without luxury is a very proud character if their children indirectly even complain about their deprived life as they grow older, where the children in their age are wandering.
"Poor my wife and my children, live in distress because of myself. What kind of husband is this?. What kind of father is this?. The luxury I can not afford. The trouble is they get. Is it not right for me to get pleasure and happiness?. How many sins do I have so God examined me and my family like this?”. Complaints were made by his as he felt that what he was doing was not worth the result he had earned.
Round wheels are sometimes below, sometimes over. Believe in the round, one day it will be over. Everything will end up happily. Everything will end up with unexpected success. Therefore, continue your efforts, efforts and efforts. Do not despair, do not give up, do not stop, and do not end the journey.The journey just started. Difficulty has just been seen. Failure just lurked. Tranquility will be felt later.
Formerly before he was a successful and respected leader, he was just a subordinate as a construction laborer. Becoming subordinates is not as easy as expected. Deprived of overtime work, scolded, inadequate breaks, not allowed to request leave at all, did not break his spirits to continue looking for sustenance for his beloved wife and children.

His persistence continued to work despite the fact that many of his colleagues had stopped because he could not be treated like a rubbish by an old company owner making him promoted when the company he worked in was taken over by a better new company. The owner of the new company sees his determination not only good in the field of transport cranes, but also smart in negotiating with overseas clients making him believed to hold office as chairman until now.
Every journey that we go through must be ridicule, deceit, and betrayal before the path of success, joy and enjoyment is found. This family's persistence makes me feel overwhelmed and proud because they are my own relatives who are now happy, rich, and able to go anywhere they want without worrying about the money in their purses.And now, both of his sons are following his steps in his work in the same field.