Until 2015, the global life expectancy was at 71.4 years. Unlike the maximum life span, life expectancy is the average age of life expectancy. Each country has a different life expectancy. This number is influenced by various factors, ranging from lifestyle to health services.
Japan is the country with the highest life expectancy, 83.5 years. The Japanese government also always gives certificates and awards to citizens who live up to 100 years. The goal is of course to motivate so that they continue to maintain their health and their longevity. But in 2017 a study of life expectancies released by The Lancet indicated a significant change. As reported by CNN, it is estimated that in 2030, Japan will be defeated by South Korea.
Japan's longevity reputation will soon be shifted. In 2030, it is predicted that South Korea will become the country with the longest age

According to research led by Prof. Majid Ezzati, in 2030 people will be able to live beyond the age of 90 years. South Korea occupies the highest position, which is 90.8 years for women and 84 years for men. "So far, they are the strongest in dealing with hypertension and the lowest obesity rate in the world," Ezzati said. In second place there is France, which has an average life expectancy for women at 88.6. Followed by Switzerland, at 84. Compared to other developed countries, the United States turned out to have the lowest life expectancy, namely 83.3 for women and 79.5 for men.
A healthy lifestyle also determines. In addition to foods that are dominated by vegetables, South Koreans are also used to walking

Especially for women, South Korea holds the highest record of life expectancy. The reason women in South Korea tend to be healthier than other countries. There are many reasons. First, in South Korea public transportation facilities such as subways and buses run well. Unless you are very rich or very busy, most Koreans walk to reach these subway stops. Second, food in South Korea tends to be healthy. Just look at reality shows or dramas, Korean menus are always full of vegetables.
Korean food is known to be healthy, some even say that junk food in Korea is relatively healthier than the American diet. Third, even though it is not the best medical country in the world, health services in Korea can be obtained easily and at reasonable costs. Unlike in Indonesia, which was so lame, there was a slogan "Poor people are prohibited from illness". Sad huh.
About life expectancy, men and women turned out differently. Is it true that women tend to be longer?

You might be wondering why the life expectancy of women and men is different. Yes, does gender have age? Apparently indeed yes. Based on the research conducted so far, women do tend to be longer than men. In general, men have less healthy habits than women. Smoking and drinking alcohol are two men's habits that are underlined. However, lately differences in male life expectancy and women are getting closer. Because the lifestyle of both is increasingly similar. Cigarettes and alcohol are not only consumed by men, but all genders.
The high life expectancy is like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it shows technological advances that certainly have an impact on health and well-being. But on the other hand, the number of elderly people will increase, so the government must find an accurate solution to ensure its welfare. Health facilities must be further and more improved, and economic growth for productive age must clearly be considered.