Malaysia is currently hit by K-Pop fever. So that South Korean culture slowly begins to enter. Starting from Korean drama to K-Pop songs. All of these things brought South Korea's unique culture to be adapted by South Koreans to Malaysia.
You are curious about the unique facts that South Koreans do in their daily lives. Here are some unique South Korean cultures that you have often seen in South Korean dramas. And maybe you have often done it in daily life. Because some of these things often appear in Korean dramas.
The average South Korean has a high temperament. They consider it normal to curse and speak loudly to subordinates.
Most of the female cosmetic products in South Korea that are models are male. Don't know why those cute men want to be a female cosmetic model in South Korea.
South Koreans are very crazy about gadgets.
So when you walk in South Korea on the sidewalk, subway and other places. People there will always hold cellphones, tv pockets that are even equipped with headsets. But if you ask your way, they will immediately open the GPS on the cellphone to show you.

Carrying a drunk person.
Perhaps it is one of the unique South Korean cultures rarely found elsewhere. If you ever watched Korean drama Lovers in Paris, then surely remember the scene Shuh-yuk holds Tae-young when drunk. That is the habit of Koreans. Why is that? Because the bus stops in South Korea don't fit right in front of the bus but have to go to the terminal. If you take a taxi it is very expensive and can not arbitrarily stop a taxi.

Habit of eating noodles straight from the pan.
No wonder because the pan used by them is a pan made of brass so it cools faster. And according to Koreans it will feel more familial when eating crowded noodles.

Tooth brushing habits.
Try to pay attention to every Korean drama you watch. Almost always there are scenes where the characters brush their teeth while talking or while singing.

Making out in public.
In South Korea, making out in public is something normal. If you take a walk in South Korea, don't be surprised when you see a couple holding hands and even hugging along the road. Even couples in South Korea consider it mandatory to wear couple clothes. Even though the couple's clothes they wear have striking colors.
